Sunday, November 14, 2021

COP26 agreement on climate reached, but last-minute change angers

Global News in Canada has the breaking news from Glasgow, Scotland where delegates at COP26 have finally reached an agreement - but a last minute change to the text proposed by India has infuriated many countries and prompted the president of the climate summit to say sorry. "I apologize for the way this process has unfolded and I’m deeply sorry, COP26 President Alok Sharma said. The change weakens the language on the use of coal in the efforts to cut emissions. Redmond Shannon has more.

The climate crisis will also be on the agenda next week in Washington (USA), when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with USA President Joe Biden and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. The leaders will attend the first "Three Amigos" summit since 2016. Mercedes Stephenson has been talking to Canada’s ambassador in Washington about the issues.

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